

Number of the vehicles registered for the first time in Lithuania in 2024

Month The total of used vehicles Used passenger cars of class M1 The total of new vehicles New passenger cars of class M1
January 12537 10250 3705 2121
February 14595 11424 4015 2009
March 17783 13407 4358 2281
April 18324 14167 4884 2697
May 19456 15047 5513 2837
June 16998 13453 5127 2798
July 18519 15039 4723 2699
August 18454 15148 3787 2100
In all 136666 107935 36112 19542

The most popular brands of new cars of class M1 registered in 2024

January 513 339 187 93 40
February 471 290 172 18
March 570 309 191 15
April 662 414 161 62
May 607 429 345 23
June 543 359 228 368
July 421 435 198 193
August 352 306 174 152
In all 4139 2881 1656 93 871

The most popular brands of used passenger cars of class M1 registered in 2024

January 1405 1346 851 801 479
February 1515 1502 902 860 530
March 1945 1653 1060 947 680
April 1891 1719 1080 991 818
May 2051 1734 1072 1081 1028
June 1776 1554 1060 848 1019
July 1921 1715 1080 1089 1175
August 1919 1735 1128 1039 1245
In all 14423 12958 8233 7656 6974

The total of the registered passenger cars of class M1 as per a fuel type (until 1 August 2024)

Fuel type Total
Diesel 1143308
Petrol 397715
Petrol / Gas 98197
Petrol / Electricity 76820
Electricity 14291

The number of the registered electrically powered passenger cars of class M1 in 2024

Month New Used
January 126 215
February 106 236
March 118 286
April 212 340
May 167 337
June 111 252
July 158 326
August 104 351
In all 1102 2343

Statistical collections by year

The number of the road vehicles registered for the first time in Lithuania from January to December of 2024 (13.4 KB)
The number of the vehicles registered for the first time in Lithuania as per the country of export from January to December of 2024 (13.1 KB)
The number of the vehicles of class M1 registered for the first time in Lithuania as per a fuel type from January to December of 2024 (11.5 KB)
The most popular makes of in 2024 registered electric passenger cars of class M1 (12.4 KB)
The number of the deregistered vehicles from January to December of 2024 (17.6 KB)
The data of a vehicle fleet as per a fuel type (the data of 1 September 2024) (11 KB)
The data of a vehicle fleet by municipality and as per a fuel type (the data of 1 September 2024) (60 KB)
The average age of the vehicle fleet by category (the data of 1 January 2024) (10.8 KB)
Data fields title translation (61 KB)